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الصفحة الرئيسية / قصص المرضى / قصة كلير

قصة كلير

تعرف على المزيد عن كلير وقصتها.

I am Clair Marie and I have ALK positive lung cancer. As I never smoked this came as a massive shock to me when I was diagnosed in February 2022 at age 43. 

I had been suffering with serve back pain back in December 2021 and saw my GP who referred me to a physio. They said it was muscle strain from my job in Early Years and that I needed to carry on with physical activity and complete exercises at home. At the time, I asked the question of cancer and was dismissed as ‘too young’ and not having any other symptoms. Trusting the professionals, I didn’t pursue my concerns. Over Christmas the back pain was so severe I was could hardly move from the sofa and had to lie down while my husband did everything. It was just such an awful time. I went back to the physio who gave me more exercises and advised seeing an osteopath. I did this; however, they made the pain so much worse, and I could barely walk.

During one of the early sessions, she clicked my back, and I am still convinced that she broke it.

In January 2022, I came down with covid, which turned out to be the thing that would save my life. My symptoms got worse, not better, I was finding it hard to breathe and also a lump appeared on my spine. Enough was enough, so I called my doctors surgery and explained that I urgently needed to see my doctor. The following day, I was at the doctors feeling so ill and in so much pain that my mum had to come with me as I could barely walk, let alone drive.

The doctor did an examination and asked a lot of questions. He wasn’t happy and sent me for urgent chest and spine x-rays. The x-rays showed shadowing on my left lung and breaks in my spine. The doctor wondered if I had been hurt or had an accident, I said no. I still wasn’t worried, but two days later I was being referred for a CT scan and also had a lung specialist nurse making contact. 

I had my CT scan a week later, but when I was called back that same day by the lung specialist nurse asking me to come back in to see the consultant and to bring someone with me, I knew it was going to be cancer. Nothing however prepared me for what the consultant was about to sh. The CT scan had shown a mass on my left lung (4cm long) and I had tumours on my spine, ribs and sacrum. I had stage 4 lung cancer! I literally couldn’t believe my ears and had a panic attack there and then.

The rest has been a whirlwind of appointments from biopsies to MRI scans, the brain one being the scariest. I was started on a course of radiotherapy for the bone tumours, which was so painful and agitated the tumours. Imagine lying still for 20 minutes on a broken back!

In the meantime, I waited for my biopsy results to come back from the cells that had been taken from my lung. I finally got the call from my nurse who gave me the news that the tumour was ALK-positive and that while it couldn’t be cured, it was treatable, and I would be meeting the oncologist in a matter of days to talk about treatment options. Still in shock, I struggled to be happy that I had a mutation that could be treated, in my mind I still I had a life limiting illness that would never be cured.

I met with the consultant who put me on a targeted treatment drug called Brigatinib (180mg a day). The side effects have been up and down, the fatigue and diarrhoea being the worst. 

I have definitely struggled emotionally, particularly as I have three children aged 16, 14 and 9. It’s very up and down and I am trying to roll with the bad days and expect the tears, and I am feeling much more positive than I was at the beginning.

I have met so many influential people over the past few months who have helped and supported me on my journey. I have a loving and supportive family and a special group of friends. I’m even working back as a learning support assistant part time and living my life. I try not to think about the future, just live in the moment as much as I can. Being diagnosed with stage 4 cancer has shown me and made me realise that life really is short and I’m going to spend it living not worrying about how long I have left.

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تلتزم ALK Positive Lung Cancer (UK) بإنتاج محتوى موثوق ودقيق وحديث يعكس أفضل الأدلة البحثية المتاحة وأفضل الممارسات السريرية. نهدف إلى تقديم معلومات غير متحيزة خالية من أي تضارب في المصالح التجارية.

Alk Positive Lung Cancer (UK) هي مؤسسة خيرية مسجلة في إنجلترا وويلز ((1181171) واسكتلندا (SC053692). المكتب المسجل موجود في 1 Ethley Drive، Raglan، Monmouthshire، NP15 2FD.

المحتوى الموجود في هذا الموقع مخصص للإعلام فقط ولا ينبغي استخدامه لتشخيص أو علاج الحالات الطبية. لا نستطيع تقديم نصيحة طبية محددة، وإذا كنت قلقًا بشأن أي أعراض، فيجب عليك استشارة طبيبك.​​

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